Five FAVE Fridays: Episode 3



    Well folks, this is the last and final installment ( until I see FIT) of Five FAVE Fridays! Although it feels like last friday was yesterday and thus I'm not bubbling over with new faves, I think I can scrape together one last list for this Blog-uary challenge ( if you're new to this, I committed to blogging every day in January. 6 days left y'all!)

1) "We Olive"


In the name of all things amazing with fresh bread... "We Olive" is an oil company local to Cali and has some of the yummiest infused olive oils and vinegars I've ever tasted. My Aunt got be their basil olive oil and their black currant balsamic for Christmas and ohhhh my gooooshhhh. SO DELICIOUSLY DELICIOUS. Just pour some in a dish, hit it with some salt and pepper, grab a fresh loaf of bread ( or not fresh..Just make sure its good bread), put your sweats on and nom away as you enjoy this tasty simple treat. You. Are. Welcome.

2) Pioneer Woman Bruscetta:


I made this this week and it was so yummy and so easy. I call it the lazy girl Bruscetta. I used farmer's market tomatoes and fresh baked bread as well as basil from our own garden and "We Olive" Olive Oil

3) Tender Greens

tendergreens Tender Greens is known for their tasty mix and match entrees, fresh produce and meat and oh good grief the mashed potatoes( swoon). If you have a Tender Greens restaurant nearby you and haven't eaten there yet... Go asap. Its become our lil' church family's fave dinner spot in Santa Monica and I had lunch there this week, reminding me of why its a fave. Their hot plates are a s close as you can get to a yummy homemade meal away from home. I recommend the steak hotplate with mashed potatoes and the baby spinach salad. DEEEELISH!

3) Rachel Evans' Blog Post on Doubt

OK, this is a strange one but, bear with me. I just read this blog post today and found it not only refreshing but incredibly resonant. I'm 80 percent on board with her but, I appreciate her heart so much and think more of us should be this honest about our faith! Read it with a grain of salt but, I think it's beautifully written.

5) Athropologie "Volcano"Candles

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I heard my friends around Christmas time talking about these babies, known for being Anthro's signature scent, and I was all but amused. " *Scoff* Yeah, thirty dollars for some candle? I CAN MAKE ONE MYSELF THANKS ( I never have and probably never will make candles.) And thennnn I smelled one last week. All of a sudden I have to have one. They are so yummy and come in a few diff. colors. Yes please.

6 for fun) Having Friends in SAG

If you don't live near L.A. you probably don't know anyone in the Screen Actor's Guild. If you live in L.A.... everyone and their cousin is in SAG ( ok, I'm not. But I'm no thespian). But, the only reason I posted this as a fave is because my good friend just dropped "Argo" off so the hubs and I can watch it sippin some Woodford Reserve.



Carly Calmes the First

PS: Is it bad that most of these were food? Eh.

Date Night: Juuuust me


Oh good grief. I google image searched " dating yourself" and this is easily the creepiest thing that came up. It's so creepy its almost hard to look away.

But please, look away.

Moving right along...There are a couple of nights a week where Jon, being the stud muffin that he is, has commitments where he's out of the house and being awesome. Mondays he has shepherd training ( pre-eldership training at the church. He got elected by members of our community and I'm so proud of him!), Thursday evenings where he leads a Bible study for homeless or at-risk pregnant women ( see: stud muffin) and Friday nights where he plays on our church's men's softball team.

     Two out of those three evenings I'm doing stuff ( hanging with shepherd's wives Monday, cheering behind the dugout Friday). But Thursday. Ohhh Thursday is all mine. 

   So tonight, and maybe every Thursday Jon's away, I'm spending some quality time being good to myself. What's on the ol' schedule for tonight? 

   FIrst, after I post this guy I'm unplugging completely. Then, we're gonna kick things off with a lil living room yoga ( a relaxation series I found online... then I'm gonna put some nice tunes on, light a few candles and sit in a hot bath with a good book. To close it off I'm gonna try to love Downton Abbey ( I WILL LOVE YOU, DANGIT! I want to so badly) with a spot of Woodford Reserve ( courtesy of Tim and Lisa, yessss)

I think it's going to be really important as I journey toward self-embrace to give myself a high-five in the form of doing things I love. A wise friend pointed out to me today that there are two ways to view the struggle I'm fighting. It's both the absence of self-love and the presence of self-hatred.

     So while I've determined my anti-regimen of cutting out some tricky behaviors that cause me to stumble down the steep hill toward self-loathing, I'm also going to need to pick up some habits along the way to promote self-love. To do one without the other would be unwise, I say. 

One of those habits are good evenings in like this, me thinks. 

Be good to yourselves, 

Carly Calmes the First


Farmer's Market Wednesdays: The Gift of Food


       This morning my good friend Lisa and I ventured toward the famed Santa Monica Farmer's Market. I used to visit this particular market every Wednesday but haven't in over a year. Its always been a place that refreshes my heart and brings me a lot of joy.

So we went.

     Everything about the farmer's market makes me smile. The colors of the produce, the person-to person, face to face exchanges between those who's lives have gone into nurturing the crops whose fruit you're tasting, the sweet sample action of everything under the sun, the energy of the folks who shop there. Its vibrant. It brings me to life a bit.


      Most often, it reminds me of a pure relationship with food. When I grab a sample of a blood orange and bite into it... and let myself taste every ounce of tart juice, the last thing I'm thinking of is how many calories are in each slice. When an old weathered man offers me a taste of cheese that he and his wife have been making for over 30 years, I'm not thinking about how it's going to my hips. I taste the years of love, of family history, and its delicious.

     I had lunch with two close friends today after the market and we chatted about my new/old/new adventure ( see post two days ago). We talked about how eliminating both calorie counting and weighing yourself allows you to start enjoying the gift of food. Today I was so reminded that God has shown his goodness through food. Every time I taste something truly yummy, whether it just came from the ground or my mother in-law's kitchen, I shall try to pause and thank God.

     What mercy is it that He gave us taste buds! It tells me that food is not just for sustenance, its for celebration. It's for gathering around. It's for you to know that He loves you. It's not to be abused either by treating it like the enemy nor by treating it like God Himself and over indulging in it to fill some hole in your heart.

    Lord, Help me to have a beautiful relationship with food. To eat it as you intended. To neither curse it nor worship it, but to receive it as grace and in turn, worship You.

Here, Here

Carly Calmes the First    

     PS: Bought myself some of my favorite flowers today ( Ranunculus for the win!) . Just as a husband who has really blown it buys flowers for his wife to say he's sorry... I'm telling myself today I'm sorry. Please forgive me, self. For all of the mean things I've thought about you, said to you and done to you. I'm sorry, and I wanna start again.  Thanks, self. Goodnight y'all.


The C Word: Nemesis 1

If you read my post yesterday, you know that I'm on a strict 6 month regimen or rather, anti-regimen of a few things. I announced this all yesterday but the decision came to me this past Saturday. I felt the Lord's leading and I cut those things out of my life (again, see post) starting right then. I can honestly say that its already changing my life. I didn't realize until now how much energy I spend carrying the weight of the number on the scale,  of monitoring progress and striving toward getting to a lower size. I'm already feeling more present. Like there isn't a looming anxiety of whether I worked out today, what my measurements are or how many calories are in something. Knowing that I'm cutting myself off from that for a substantial time is already tasting a bit like freedom... and its helping me direct my attention elsewhere!

Its also helping me be more present relationally. Typically, I am carrying guilt from where my body is at at all times. This means, when my neighbor's kids ask me to play, I'm thinking "Did I work out today?" and if I haven't, I feel guilty spending time with them. Then I get angry with myself if I missed out on working out and then Jon comes home to a frustrated and ashamed wife who is NO fun, then when we eat dinner together after that I'm so disgusted with myself I am in a stinky mood all night.

Making decisions out of love instead of fear and self-hatred? Yeah, I think I could use a lot more of that. 

Honestly, cutting these habits out has already improved that. My life already feels more whole. Praise GOD!

It's amazing how much energy it takes to maintain guilt and shame. What's more amazing, is that in Jesus, we don't have to. I want to believe in that so much more than I do now. I say I believe it, but the weight of guilt in my life makes it pretty clear that in my guts, I don't really believe that I can accept the grace that God gives. I don't believe He's telling the truth about who I am to Him.

Well, at least I don't when I'm doing what today revealed is self-love's worst enemy.

Guess what it is.

Go ahead. Guess. It starts with a C.





This afternoon I caught a glimpse of one of my worst enemies on this journey to self-fandom. It's easy to rest on your laurels and to believe in all the good stuff until you line yourself up to someone else then JUST LIKE THAT... Things begin to fall apart, right? They do for me.

Today I pulled a daring move. On day three of my new anti-regimen I decided to take a friend up on an offer to take a run down by the beach. I agreed to it only because at the start of it, I wasn't doing it because I felt fat today. So, I went.

Before we got to trotting, she started talking about how she felt bad about her body and how that's why she wanted to get a good run in today( she hadn't read my blog post yet, so she didn't know where I was coming from). I held myself back with all my strength from pointing out that she's got nothing to worry about and that I'M the one who gained 30 pounds this year and blah blah blah.

Sidebar: I really think we need to cut out this kind of conversation between us, ladies. We are so much more than those things and you never know when your self-bashing makes someone else feel even WORSE about THEMSELVES when they start to compare themselves to you. Seriously. Its poison. I'm trying to cut it out of my life, too.

I smiled and gave a " Nahhh, c'mon" gesture and changed the subject but... that got me already tempted to compare myself and THEN, shortly into the run, she started to pull way ahead. Like, 40 yards.. then 70 yards ahead... then probably 100. She was behind me and even LOOPED me during the run.

Man, I was in deep with the struggle. I was immediately confronted with the temptation to start comparing myself to her and once I did that I knew it'd be a quick journey to discouragement.

I struggled on and off but stayed pretty afloat. I'm not sure if I'm at a point on this road where running with other friends is a great idea ( too easy to compare) but dangit, don't you wish we just didn't have that part of our brains?

Gosh. Comparison. The enemy of joy, self-confidence, friendships, and body-images everywhere. If we could stop ourselves from comparing our lives, bodies, paychecks, families, life journeys, songs, selves to others, we wouldn't ever think we aren't good enough! We wouldn't know!

Lord, help me kick comparison in the friggin teeth. I don't know how to stop my addiction to compare myself to others but help me to break free from being a slave to it.

May I learn to celebrate what You've made not because it measures up to anyone else, but because You made it and called it VERY good. 


Carly Calmes the First

Getting out of the Trash Can: A new/old/new journey


This post, for me, is vulnerable so, read it with a gentle heart, please.

My entire life I have struggled with self-doubt and self-loathing.

Most folks aren't aware of this because I have a strong personality and do things like... sing in front of people, etc. However, my relationship with myself has been broken, healed, broken again and so forth for as long as I can remember. It's the single most damaging struggle to my marriage, emotional and spiritual health, relationships with friends, to my music and to my ministry.

Sadly, this is the case for almost every woman I know. Society has a ten mile long laundry list of the things that women are and are not supposed to act like, look like, dress like,think like and so on. The pressure is enough to make even the most confident of women crumble into a pile of rubble every now and then. For most of us, loving ourselves is still the final frontier; the place we've heard of but have only seen photos and never been, much less, lived there.

I've spent most of my life feeling like I'm not enough and too much. Too fat, not smart enough. Too loud, not motivated enough. Too paranoid, not pretty enough. Too awkward, not feminine enough... The list goes on.

When I became a Christian, God began the work of setting me free from all of that. He started to turn my life around and convince me that I'm not worthless (quite the opposite, by grace). I was created intentionally by a being who loves my guts more than I can imagine, and I'm meant to shine brightly just as I am and NOTHING can change that.

While I have found myself in plenty of healing times where I felt like I had really found victory over hating myself, for the past year its felt like I'm back to square 1. Even though I have a loving husband and wonderful friends and family who love me just the way I am... I still find myself struggling with this more than I'd like to admit ( mostly in the body department)

It feels eerily familiar to the way I felt before God started to rescue me from all of that. My view of myself has gone from getting confident, to teetering on OK, straight into the trash can.

I'm currently close to the bottom of the can.

I'm not proud of it. I'm actually embarrassed about it. Why?

Well, a few years ago I was slated to sing at a Young Life camp* (as I am known to do), and I got a call from my friend Kristy. She was speaking at the camp and wanted to toss an idea my way. See, Kristy gives a talk every time she's at camp to the teenage girls about how they don't have to live as slaves to feeling not- enough because God has created them beautifully, and they ARE enough because He says so. Its really incredible and she's so good at it, I cry every time. She asked if I'd be interested in being involved. I immediately felt a ping in my heart and jumped at the opportunity.

Shortly after that phone call I wrote a song called "You're Mine". Its a song from the viewpoint of God. I wrote it imagining these young girls looking into the mirror at themselves... and what God would say if He were right next to them as they were staring at themselves. Its a song I wrote for these girls but it ended up being for me too. Now I've been singing it as well as speaking on the topic in bits and pieces for about 3 years or so.

I have been told by legions of girls that the song I wrote and the words I've spoken have changed their lives. It always leaves me weak in the knees and out of breath because... Our God is incredible. It blows my mind that He can use me in that way when I'm constantly struggling with believing in and living out the very issue I sing about.


( This is a photo of a message someone left me anonymously. I arrived at camp a few years ago and on the first day, I found this message scribbled on the whiteboard backstage of the meeting room where I'd be singing. It blew. My. Mind.)

So, this summer I'm heading to camp again. This time though, I got a call from my friend Alan who will be our camp director. Kristy was supposed to be on our team, but she can't make it.

So guess who's giving the seminar this year?





In exactly 6 months, I will be getting up in front of hundreds of teenage girls every week for a month and teaching them how to love themselves.

I will be standing on a stage preaching a message that I am so desperate for right now its almost funny.


Yesterday something clicked in my brain. This season of feeling incredibly discouraged about myself right before stepping out as an expert on the matter is totally on purpose.

God has lead me into the wilderness of my own heart because there's no way that I'm going to stand on that stage and FAKE it for these girls. There's no way that I'm going to stand before vulnerable and hurting teenagers and pretend to have the miracle cure for self hatred when I'm so deep in it I can barely breathe.

I won't do it.

So, the only alternative is to dive head-first into becoming an expert at loving myself as He loves me. I want to speak with authority on the topic, as someone who's walked through the fires of mending my relationship with myself and can promise that its possible to come out on the other side NEW.

I know healing is tricky and that I will have to fight hard for myself on and off again for years to come... But in this season, I want to get out of the trash can so I can lead a rebellion against this nasty cultural norm.

(Can you believe its just NORMAL for girls to walk around feeling ugly, fat and unworthy? Do you know how many times I've heard someone say "Well, all women feel that way"? While that can be comforting, its- and pardon my french-but its BULLSHIT. )

Also, I don't want to try and get to the place where I'm confident the way that I'm tempted to. I'm TEMPTED to think "Yeah, I'll just lose 20 pounds and then I'll be confident".

I want to love myself regardless of my weight, my paycheck, my popularity or my successes. Because if loving yourself is dependent on those things, well honey, it aint love.

So for the next six months, I'm going to do everything I can to mend my relationship with myself, and I will document what I learn so that I can share this journey with, not only the girls at camp, but with women everywhere. I've been very, very mean to myself and I've always felt like I deserved every cruel thing I've told myself. But if I'm going to be a leader to these girls, and more than that, if I am going to do the things God is calling me to, and to be the woman He designed me to be- me and myself are going to have to reconcile in a real way.

I decided yesterday that to fully immerse myself in this process of re-focusing my attention from my own flaws to Christ's great love and vision for me, I'm going to need to stop some things that will be very difficult for me to stop.

Here's my challenge to myself. For the next 6 months, NO:

- Scale. No Weighing myself

- Diets or cleanses ( or fasting)

- Calorie Counting

-Long Distance Races ( I need to exercise for the joy of it, as a celebration of my health, not to compete)

- Exercising as a response to feeling "fat" ( No exercise if I feel bad about myself. Exercise won't heal that, Jesus will)

-Looking up weight loss tips on the internet ( friggin Pinterest)

-Measuring my body ( I have a secret measuring tape in my medicine cabinet and use it every day, usually a few times per day)

-Photos of myself to compare to other times in my life( does anyone else do this? Its bad) No looking at photos of myself at all ( they either make me long for a different time in my life or bury me in shame)

No punishing this temple.

No trying to lose weight.

No trying to change myself into a form I deem as lovable.

Essentially, no trying to become content by way of changing my appearance. I'm not sure if folks realize how much I do the above list but... its a lot. A LOT. So much of my energy has been placed in me thinking about or doing these things, then feeling guilty and ashamed when I do them, that its made me sick. I've been convinced that looking different will heal this part of my life but, the truth is that whether I weigh 145 or 175, I feel the same. Weight loss is clearly NOT the great healer of self-loathing. It will not and cannot heal me.

In order to fully focus on the right areas of my life, I need to be free from measuring my physical progress. I need to stop caring about physical progress and instead, get beautifully distracted with God's goodness and promises to me. I want to be so wrapped up in what He has for me and using the gifts He's given me, that I don't even WANT to know what I weigh.

In turn, I will seek out wisdom from those who have paved the way before me and wise counsel. I will spend quality time studying who God says I am. And I will wait on Him to lead me through this so that I can lead others.

I've literally told God that I need Him to re-build my sense of self and confidence- and I need Him to change my life in a miraculous way. I've challenged Him to set me free from this and that scares and excites me.

I don't want to be the girl preaching self love but living self-abuse anymore. I want to be living it. I want to look in the mirror and celebrate what my Creator has made.

Lord, lead the way


Carly Calmes the First


* Young Life is an outreach ministry that seeks to introduce Jesus through relationship to highschool kids that would never step foot in a church. It seeks the "furthest out" kids through mentorship in hopes of connecting them to Christ, earning the right to be heard in their lives, and meeting them where they're at just as they are. That's how I met Jesus in highschool and it was the most genuine experience of love and mentorship one could ask for. I wasn't loved in hopes of being converted. I was loved because I was... loved. Just a personal note.